Easy Aerial Photography .com
The World's Easiest Aerial Photography
Skyshot Helikites fly the World's best digital cameras anywhere, anytime, anyplace.
Very low cost to buy and fly. Easily affordable to everyone.
Skyshot Helikite Professional Action Cam Users Include:
Realestate Agents / Real-estate
Surveyors / Surveying
Scientists /Science
Farming /Farmers
Education / Academia
Journalism / Journalists
Military / Security
Profesional Photography
Helikite advantages:
All Weather
Steady Flight
Fly Almost Anywhere
Excellent Perspective
No legal Problems
No need of Permissions
Longer Flight Time
Flies Itself
Doesn’t Crash
Cost Effective
Helikite advantages over a drone:
Easier to use
No License Needed
No need of Permissions
Longer Flight Time
Flies Itself
Doesn’t Crash
Cost Effective
NEW! Broadcast Quality 4K Aerial Video
Lifts DJi OSMO Camera
Gyro stabalised high quality video camera
Instant launch within seconds
Stored fully inflated in Van
Aerial video of events, football, sailing, cycling etc.
Easy for anyone, no training needed
Fly where drones cannot go
High wind capability
No Licences needed
Persistent, long term video surveillance
The new Skyshot Helikites fly themselves & take superb aerial photographs-Automatically!
Professional quality aerial photos for everyone and videos too.
Used in all Weather Conditions
Used Worldwide
Unlimited Applications
Types of Users
Prices and Discounts
Shipping Worldwide
Military Personnel, Real-estate businesses and residents use the Skyshot Helikite across the U.K., Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. It is used for aerial photographs and video for surveillance situations and border control, picture for real estate sales and surveying, festival control and many other applications. Governments and School Academics from around the world use the Skyshot for research and special projects. The Skyshot Helikite is a versatile and effective solution for quick and high quality aerial photography and video.