Easy Aerial Photography .com
The World's Easiest Aerial Photography
Global Distributors for Allsopp Helikite Products
The following companies carry our Helikite Products including our famous
Skyshot TM Helikite.
If you do not see a distributor near you, we can ship internationally. Recipients are responsible for paying duty and taxes on international orders.

Company: e-Castle
Contact: Wade Hughes
Tel: +61 407 081 245
email: wadehughes@ecastle.com.au
Web: www.ecastle.com.au
Company: LTA Technologie AG
Contact: Peter Hilgenberg
Tel: +49 6421 49 85 349
E-mail: info@lta-technologie.de
Web: www.lta-technologie.de
The Republic of Korea:
Company: Marine Tech Engineering & Consultant Co. Ltd
Contact: Yoonhyang Kang
Tel: +82 31 222 9174
Fax: +82 31 222 9176
Mobile: +82 10 6615 9636
e-mail: kangage@hotmail.com
Company: Carolina Unmanned Vehicles
Contact: Mike Rogers
Tel: 001 919 851 9898
email: merogers@carolinaunmanned.com
Web: www.carolinaunmanned.com
Company: SkySentry LLC.
Contact: Charles Lambert
Tel: 001 719 495 7856
email: lambertc@skysentry.net
Web: www.skysentry.net
Company: LTA Technologie AG
Contact: Peter Hilgenberg
Tel: +49 6421 49 85 349
E-mail: info@lta-technologie.de
Web: www.lta-technologie.de
For More Information Contact Us
The Skyshot TM Helikite is the most effective universal Aerial Photography product available.